A Review on The Movie; THE TRAIN by Mount Zion Production

So, I watched the movie; The Train on Sunday and I was all shades of reactions, from ahhing to wowing. At some points I prayed, laughed, spoke to the person beside me and had deep thoughts within myself.

The movie chronicles the real life story of Evangelist Mike Bamiloye, and it is a movie indeed for the season. Anybody who truly wants to know the definition of Purpose, must watch it. Anyone who wants to know the meaning of Walking with God, must watch it. 

Purpose is not Instagram photos! Purpose is Death! You die to your senses and fleshly desires! Purpose is Crazy Faith! Purpose is giving yourself up! Purpose is being foolish in the eyes of man and seeing through the eyes of God.

Watching the movie, I learnt so many lessons and I would love to share some here:

1. The Rocky Christian Journey: 

The Christian Journey is not an all smooth or all rosy one. There are road bumps on the road, and it  takes the mercies of God and deep faith to walk it through. At a point in Mike Bamiloye's life, after getting born again, he almost fell out of the way due to the indulgence of the flesh; however, grace found him.

And even after getting on track with God, we saw the series of challenges he faced while building the Mount Zion Ministry; encountering oppositions, rejections, etc. However, he stood strong and the testimony is what we all see today. The journey is not smooth, but it is not impossible, when you allow God hold your hands.

2. God's love for you/Your love for God: 

The love of God is a major theme in this epic movie. The love of God is ever constant; in and out of season.  It is never ending, reckless, chases us down and fights till we are found. It doesn't give up, neither does it let go, it forgives and restores!

The life of Mike Bamiloye is an evidence of this love. And his response to this love, was also evident through the steps of faith he took, his acts of obedience, etc.

3. Your past has no hold on you: 

Your past can never ever, define what your Future would look like! Read that again. Looking at the childhood of this man of God, one who looks from human's perspective would not believe that he could amount to anything.

But, see how God made Gold out of dross? Defies human law of order, right? Your past can never limit you, except you hold on to it. Why not let go, and let God redefine you, and shape you into his masterpiece. 

4. Total Surrender and Obedience: 

Looking at his life from when he gained admission into a prominent institution, and how God instructed him to leave there to a less prestigious institution; this tells a story of total surrender and obedience to God. He was sold out to God and could no longer look back; he didn't know how to look back! Chaii!  

Another key area of total surrender and obedience to consider, was when he resigned from his job to start the Drama Ministry full time. How? How on earth can someone be that foolish? But then as it was said in the movie "God's foolishness is wiser than our wisdom. God does not make mistakes, He is intentional!"

5. Fix your eyes on Jesus; don't look to the hills: 

The actor who played the role of Mike Bamiloye said and I quote "It is God who called us to this work. And so, the moment our focus is shifted from him, we will always be disappointed". 

This part of the movie was when they needed money for the ministry and instead of looking to God, they put their trust in his older sister who was coming for their magazine launch. And guess what? They were disappointed. Vain is the help of man. Our help only comes from God.

6. Crazy faith: 

This theme is SO prominent! Mike Bamiloye displayed it. Mummy Gloria? Ahhhh, Her faith was more than crazy, it is jaw breaking! Who could ever take such a risk, except your faith is solidified in God? The decision she made defied all reasons, but she believed God.

The drama ministers who quit their jobs to follow The Train to Kano, also displayed this. They left their sources of income, not knowing what would become of them later, and followed God's instructions. They did not draw back. They believed the One who has called them, that he was able to fulfil all he has promised and bring it to pass. 
It is indeed a story of crazy faith!

7. Refusal to be wise in your own eyes: 

The elderly woman who counselled him at some point in the movie, already emphasised this point to him. Glory to God! He took to the advice.

Never did he try to think he could do things out of his own wisdom. And even when he thought all he needed to do God's work was information, his wife; Gloria Bamiloye reminded him that he needs Revelation and not Information. 

Have you been wise in your own eyes? Trying to do things according to your human wisdom? Why not seek God for revelation, rather than struggle for information. 

8. Prayer and Study life: 

As a believer, you can't afford to joke with your Prayer and Study life. You just can't do without it, that is your reservoir to draw strength from. Prayer changes things! This was evidently displayed in this movie. I have never seen the like, I tell you. 

A drama ministration that was only granted 15 minutes was extended to 2 hours; enabling them to minster to the end as earlier proposed. Gloria Bamiloye was also very intentional, as she prayed for the ministry fervently, even while they travelled to Kano for a ministration. 
Don't joke with your Prayer and Bible study life. Don't!

9. Godly counsel: 

This really helped Evangelist Mike Bamiloye, as he received a whole lot of godly counsel while walking the faith. And these counsels helped him in various junctions of decision making.

Starting from his older sister who believed in him, the pastor and old woman who gave him timeless words, Gloria Bamiloye, who played a major role in giving godly counsels needed per time. All these counsel helped anchor the Evangelist and the Mount Zion Ministry. Wisdom indeed, is the principal thing! 

10. Sincerity: 

Evangelist Mike Bamiloye displayed great sincerity.  When he proposed to those sisters, he did not do it deceitfully, nor did he try to play games with them. 

Also, when addressing the Drama Ministers, he did not pretend to know it all. Like it was said in the movie, when he was addressing the Drama ministers, "I do not know your future, neither do I know the future of this ministry. But I know God and He knows the future". May God help us to be sincere!

11. Perseverance:

Perseverance was prominent in this journey of faith and love for God. He persevered against all odds and stood firmly by the word of God, even when people tried to discourage Him. He did not give up, neither did he lose trust in the promises of God. He held unto God's word till the very end.

Mummy Gloria also displayed this, as she was resilient in her decision. She made up her mind to follow God's leading and nothing could dissuade her; not even her own family.

12. Marriage:

Hmmm Marriage! The theme of Marriage is very key here, as its relationship with the purpose of a man was emphasised.

When Mummy Gloria accepted to marry Evangelist Mike, he prayed and said "Today is the beginning of Mount Zion." That was so profound! He connected the beginning of their relationship to the beginning of the Ministry.

Remember also, when the old woman was counselling him about a marital partner; she mentioned a key thing which was that, he would need a very strong woman of faith to accompany him on this journey of destiny. And indeed, that was revealed in the life of Mummy Gloria.

She is indeed a woman of substance! A woman that understands the mind of God and does not waver from his will. A woman of strong faith and deep resolve! Kai, A virtuous woman who can find, indeed!

Don't take your marital life with levity. Take it very seriously, it has a whole lot to do with your destiny.

13. God's Faithfulness:

Yeah, I would be rounding off with this theme. God is faithful! We all have seen it! And we can't argue with results, right? 

If God gives you an instruction, trust him. He is very intentional, he never makes mistakes. He is not a liar, and he does not forget our labours of love. Hold on to his promises and you would find him faithful indeed.

So, with this, I encourage you to watch this Journey of Faith in form of a movie. It is a movie that would change your life and perspective as a believer. It would strengthen your faith, and anchor you right, if you take to the timeless lessons therein.

You would find the movie on Damilola Mike-bamiloye's YouTube page.

Kindly drop a comment and share.

I call you blessed.



  1. Glory! "He didn't know how to look back"...
    God, make us forget how to look back...

    1. Amen, a prayer to press into. May we forget how to look back. Thank you for reading!

  2. Hmmm

    From the past to the present. Men like Evangelist Mike Bamiloye typifies faith and virtue (patience).

    He his a man we should imitate all the way.

    Thank you Kinsha for this beautiful one. God bless.

    1. Faith and virtue indeed! What else would anchor us on this journey, if not our resolute faith in God. Thank you for reading, Timmie

  3. Thanks to God for such a blessing as Mike Bamiloye.

    His was indeed a journey of faith. Such which every purpose driven person must also embark upon.

    Thanks for the review.

    1. Indeed! Every purpose driven person must be willing to make a lot of sacrifices. Thank you for reading.

  4. Hmmmmm.... Words are not enough to describe the journey of this man... So I concur that it's a JOURNEY OF UNUSUAL FAITH!!!... I learnt a lot from d movie.. And tnx to you KINSHA for dis wonderful review.

    1. Words are not enough, I tell you. Thank you for reading, Rugged sir

  5. Bless you Ma🙇🏼‍♀️

  6. Wow, you are just amazing.. something made me read everything till the end. You really pointed out important points. Thank you. Life indeed needs God's guidance to make meaning

    1. Wow! Thank you for reading.
      Yeah, it is in God that our lives make sense, He is the essence of our lives.

  7. This review caps it all!🙌🏾

  8. Oh
    Thank you for this review. I don't know the future but I know God and he knows the future.

    1. Yeah, only God knows the future. And if He holds our hands, we would surely be directed aright. Thank you for reading.

  9. When you submit to God, He will cause men to submit to you - I learnt this from God's Servant, Daddy Mike Bamiloye!

    This is a Complete Review!!!

    1. Exactly, total submission to the will of God would surely set you apart in life. Thank you for reading.

  10. The train is really a blessing. I learnt so many things; leading of the spirit, faith, patience, perseverance.

    1. Yeah, it is a real big blessing! Thank you for reading.

  11. Wow! Crazy faith indeed, against all hope still have believe in hope... this got me,

    What a comprehensive review! Massive!!

    1. Exactly walking with faith, not sight. Thank you for reading.

  12. Wow. Am edified.
    God knows my future even if it seems it's not making sense now. He who has called me is faithful and he remains faithful to the end. Thank you ma'am for this wonderful review. I can't believe I read it to the end. Thanks once again.

    1. Our future is secure, if we can place it in God's hands. Thank you for reading, I am glad you were blessed.

  13. Ìbùkún, you've penned down so many profound lessons in this blog post.

    Prayer points are also embedded in each point you raised, this movie is a story that gives hope to fellow believers and also has the power to convict with the help of the Holy Spirit.

    After watching this movie I had to reexamine myself to see if I was working in purpose, I asked God how to intentionally walk in his will for me and he gave me a new vision for my life.

    Thank you for sharing ❤️

    1. It is indeed a movie to not just watch, but to also ponder on.
      And yes, wow! I am so glad you were spurred to pray and got answers. Thank you for reading!

  14. This is a really great review.
    Nothing was missed out at all.

  15. Our anchor in this journey of faith is he who has called and sent us- Christ Jesus. Thank for this insightful piece Kinsha. You're blessed.

    1. Indeed and he is faithful to lead us through. Thank you for reading too.

  16. God bless you for the good work Ibukun. More grace🔥🔥

    1. Amen. God bless you too. Thank you very much for reading

  17. Hmmm...this is an impressive review though I haven't seen the movie but this review has increased my desire to see it. Thank you Ibukun

    1. Oh, wow! Please, do see the movie; it would bless you. Thank you for reading.

  18. While watching the movie, all I could see was Abraham, just an improved version of him who by living his life was fulfilling scriptures.
    We have been taught how to use faith to claim what we need but here was daddy using faith to reject the best education and one of the prestigious profession of his time, two world systems that have sunk many Christians out of their divine purpose.
    How will a man travel to Kano with no hope of survival? That was too audacious but here was our Abraham fulfilling scriptures again. Daddy was examplary.
    Also mummy Gloria was not left out who by faith chose a man with no earthly relevance over one with a prestigious profession and the question that fired into me is how does my faith influence the choices I make?
    The seven families too acting on just words with no proof too. It is easy for a man to survive alone in an unknown territory but going with more than himself to a place unknown and they following sheepishly is worthy of commendation.
    God has already too many witnesses of the faith walk such that our generation will have no excuse of not working in faith.
    Today, we see a man's journey of faith and of faith into hope and into charity through which many nations are blessed and being blessed. Thank you daddy.
    Aunty Kinsha, thank you ma for this work and thanks to the crew with the wisdom of spirit that produced this great work of art.

    1. Wow! Wow! Thank you so much, for this.

      Yes, Daddy is really the Abraham of our time, trusting fully in God, even without seeing the big picture. It is indeed a faith worthy of emulation. May God help us.

      Once again, thank you for this comment. It warmed my heart.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. What an awesome review. IBK, you against all odds continue to blase the trail, keep up the good work(tejemo).

    1. Wow, thank you very much. God bless you. I would like to know who this is, though. That name is not so known (tejemo)


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