Having and dealing with certain emotions as believers

Having and dealing with some emotions as a Christian.

So, I had a very intelligent and interesting conversation with a friend, about having certain emotions and dealing with them as a Christian. And I would like to share some of the things I gained from the conversation. Let's go...

So, we were talking about having certain thoughts, feelings and emotions as believers and how God can help us deal with them. 
Having emotions and catching feelings is very normal. Yeah! Infact, like my friend said, if you don't have them, then we should ask you questions. However, what you do with those emotions is what matters. I remember when I was younger, I had a couple of crushes, lol. Maybe not a couple sha, I had quite a number. And looking back now, the truth is, I can't even remember what fascinated me about those people then, not to talk about still being fascinated by them now. So, what then is the use?

Now, beyond having a crush, it could occur that you begin to develop lustful thoughts towards someone, and start having weird thoughts and all of that. In situations like this, the devil comes, tries to condemn and make you feel guilty. But here is it... As a believer, you already have victory over sin and death. This means that even though those lustful feelings may creep into your heart; it is your responsibility to rebuke them, rather than give in and keep sinking. 

The devil is crafty and deceitful. He would try all sort of gimmicks to make you stay down once you stray. However, what you are to do is to keep yourself in check, once you start noticing those thoughts creep into your heart. 

One notable thing my friend mentioned about keeping those thoughts off, is to put the person in question in the place of a child of God who Jesus died for; and who God cares for, as much as God cares for you too. When you see the person in the light of how Christ is seeing the person, you would not think twice before waving those lustful thoughts away as they come. 

One thing that fuels lust is consistently thinking about it. Once, it comes to your heart and you let it go on a merry go ride, you are letting it gain space and once it is deeply rooted, it may take time to be uprooted. So, guard your heart. Whatever it takes you to do this, please do!

Proverbs 4:23  Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

The human mind is a battle place where different thoughts come to. Some are negative, others positive. Now, to determine what actually rules your life, it starts with what is in your heart. If your heart is loosed and not constrained by the love of Christ, it would be easy for it to dwell on lustful and sinful thoughts which do not glorify God. However,if your heart is daily guided and renewed by the Word of God, thoughts that contradict God would not be able to take root

Romans 12:2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Take note, "take root", not "come". The truth is, even as you guide your heart, these thoughts could still come. However, since your heart is being daily renewed and saturated by God's word, they won't be able to take root. 

To end with, dear believer, Pray... 

Prayer can do tremendous things! I have seen it happen over and over again! Prayer has transformed communities, redeemed men from darkness, changed lives. 

Pray about your feelings, tell God you have lustful thoughts towards that person and that you don't want it. Be sincere with him, tell him about how you feel when you are with that person. And trust me, He would help you out. 

However, you must be willing and obedient. He would tell you to do certain things to help you out of the situation. Those things may not seem convenient at the moment, however, they are all to help you out and make you stand mature in His will.

Deal with those feelings now...



  1. Affirmative piece dear sister, it is the will of God for us to guard our heart diligently and pray for our heart to be inclined unto God's will and purpose.

    1. Very true! May we be more sensitive and willing to carry out his will. Thank you very much.


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