Are you what you desire in others?

You want to marry a God fearing and gentle man/lady, you want to marry God's will for your life, you want to marry someone who is close and intimate with God. But then, let me ask; do you possess the qualities you expect in your future spouse? Do you measure up to the standard you laid up for that man/lady?

So many people are looking for God's will in their marital life, but the question is, aside marriage, are you living according to the will of God for your life? Do you submit to his will and instructions as they come to you in your private life? You want to marry a spouse who hears expressly from God, do you hear expressly from God?

From a letter collection I read, one of the writers said "I know God would not give his darling daughter to a bastard son, and whosoever the Lord gives me would be his very dear son".
Now that is recognising and knowing who you are in Christ. That is knowing your worth as a kingdom child, knowing that God has the best plans for you if you walk in alignment with Him.
It is not about professing to want a great man/woman from God, it is about being a great man/woman that God can give a great person to.
Most of us want the best of spouses, but the question is, are we also working to attain that standard? 

I was in a conversation with some friends and I asked a question concerning marital issues and my friend said something "Your standing with God determines who is made for you".
This means that the more you work on yourself as an individual, the more God would help your partner work on him/herself. Why? Because God would not give a dear daughter to a luke warm Christian and vice versa. A burning sanctuary cannot be paired with a fire extinguisher, if care is not taken, the fire would soon go down.

Aside from the marital aspect, please tell me, who are your friends? Fire brands or fire extinguishers? You can't walk with luke warm Christian friends and expect to live a blazing hot Christian life, they would surely influence you. Iron sharpens iron and in a situation whereby there exists an iron and a plastic, when the iron is down, what would sharpen it? (I know plastic can't sharpen iron).

The point of this post is, who are you in Christ? How much  are you working on yourself? Who are your close associates? What influence do you also have on others around you before asking God for help from others?

Work on becoming what you desire in others, be the amazing partner that one wishes to have and then watch out for the very dear child of God that He would give to you.

Proverbs 13:20  He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.



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