Having and dealing with certain emotions as believers

Having and dealing with some emotions as a Christian. So, I had a very intelligent and interesting conversation with a friend, about having certain emotions and dealing with them as a Christian. And I would like to share some of the things I gained from the conversation. Let's go... So, we were talking about having certain thoughts, feelings and emotions as believers and how God can help us deal with them. Having emotions and catching feelings is very normal. Yeah! Infact, like my friend said, if you don't have them, then we should ask you questions. However, what you do with those emotions is what matters . I remember when I was younger, I had a couple of crushes, lol. Maybe not a couple sha, I had quite a number. And looking back now, the truth is, I can't even remember what fascinated me about those people then, not to talk about still being fascinated by them now. So, what then is the use? Now, beyond having a crush, it could occur that you begin to develop...